The CO2 calculator is a tool for all Danish companies that want an overview of their climate impact and calculate their baseline emissions in CO2-e. Calculation can be used to identify the areas where there is the highest emission of CO2-e. This creates the first basis for purposefully initiating concrete CO2 reduction initiatives where the effect is expected to be greatest.
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Activation of the tool
Special points of attention
In the calculations, there are various things that you must be aware of to ensure correct calculations. Below will be described general things that you should pay special attention to.
In general, you must be aware of whether a CO2e emission is calculated for a completed table. If no figures appear in the columns Scope 1-3 or Outside Scope, then there is an error or defect in the filling in of the tables. If a number appears, then it is filled in correctly. A total emission of "0.0" need not be an indication that there has not been an emission associated with the consumption in question, but this may be due to the rounding to 1 decimal place. This is therefore a very low emission.
There can be various reasons for errors in filling in the tables. Overall, this may be due to the fact that there are no emission factors based on the various choices. To investigate this, you can see in the table with Emission factors whether there is an emission factor with selected units, etc. Another problem may occur under the Purchasing or Waste and Recycling tab. During purchasing, this applies to the tables for purchasing products. Here you first select a Product group and then a Specific product, both using a drop-down menu. For example, you can select the product group Food and then a pecific product Fish. If you then change the product group to Office Electronics, then there will still be Fish under the column Specific Products. Excel can not automatically update cells, and therefore you must be aware of changes. In this case, it will mean that no CO2e emissions are calculated. The example is illustrated by the pictures to the right.
CO2-beregnerens opbygning
Information tabs
Input tabs
Result tabs
The calculation tool is divided into different types of tabs: Information tabs, input tabs and result tabs.
Information tabs are the tabs Front page, Structure, Introduction, Guidance, Emission factors and Standard chart of accounts. The Emission Factors tab contains the complete list of emission factors that are used for the calculations in this tool. The Standard Chart of Accounts tab can be used for inspiration in relation to the link between this and the CO2 calculations.
The input tabs are Master Data, Energy & Processes, Purchasing, Transport, Waste & Recycling and Sold Products. The Master Data tab allows you to enter basic information about the calculations and the company. The entries do not affect the results and are not mandatory, but figures regarding turnover,number of employees and area will be used to calculate key figures, if specified. The calculations are made in the other input tabs.
All input tabs contain a subcategory Other. This subcategory allows the user to enter their own CO2 calculations for eg specific purchases, and thereby achieve a more specific result.
The result tabs are the Result and Result tabs - GHG. The latter tab shows the results according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol),which means that the results are divided into scope 1, 2 and 3.
CO2-beregnerens begrænsninger
The CO2e footprint calculated in the CO2 calculator is overall and aims to help companies get started with a climate account and initiatives to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The results of the calculations provide a basic calculation of the company's CO2e footprint from a number of important sources of greenhouse gas emissions.
It is not possible to guarantee that the calculations are completely accurate and the calculator does not provide a verification of the data and sources provided.
The calculation tool is based on a list of emission factors, which include the most common products and materials that are used by companies in Denmark. If your company uses special products or materials, there is not necessarily a specific emission factor for that particular product in the calculation tool. In this case, you have the option of entering your own emission factors or calculations under the categories 'Other'.
If your company is in the supply sector, agriculture or forestry, there may be other calculation tools developed for your particular type of company that are more relevant to use than this tool. This is due to the special conditions that exist for companies in these sectors, where e.g. cultivation and use of the soil can have a major impact on the overall greenhouse gas emissions
The calculated CO2 footprint alone should not be manufactured as in full compliance with ISO 14064, as it requires further documentation of e.g. the identification of significant emission sources in the company, the breakdown of direct emissions of greenhouse gas, as well as an uncertainty analysis of the greenhouse gas inventory.
The calculations can also not be used as approval of the company or its activities, or used for e.g. product comparisons for marketing purposes
Scope 1, 2 & 3
The Climate Compass uses the calculation method defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol - Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard . The GHG protocol divides all emissions into three scopes. Scope 1 are direct emissions associated with burning for energy or transport purposes. Scope 2 are indirect emissions associated with energy consumption (electricity and district heating). Scope 3 is indirect emissions associated with the purchase of, for example, products, materials, transport and services. The total discharge will be the sum of scope 1, 2 and 3.
Scope 1
Includes all direct emission sources. The company's emissions are here related to the burning of fossil fuels at production sites and in means of transport owned, leased or leased by the company. Greenhouse gases related to chemical reactions in industrial processes (process-related emissions) or emissions from evaporation or emissions of greenhouse gases (volatile emissions) are also part of the direct emissions and are therefore part of scope 1.
Scope 2
Scope 2 covers emissions from the companies that supply companies with collective energy. That is, greenhouse gases that originate from the production of electricity and district heating that the company consumes.
Scope 3
Scope 3 covers all the indirect emissions not mentioned under scope 2. These can be, for example: subcontractors, use of products, waste treatment (disposal, recycling, incineration), transport of goods, transmission and distribution losses from electrical activities and the use phase of the product
Outside Scopes
Biogenic CO2 emissions from the combustion of biofuels (eg biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel) are calculated outside Scope 1, 2, and 3 . Possibly. avoided emissions (eg from avoided virgin production by sending waste for recycling or recycling) are also calculated outside Scopes 1, 2, and 3.
The emissions are calculated based on a simple formula:
Emissions = Consumption * Emission coefficient
Consumption here covers energy, fuels, purchasing and waste production, and is stated with a number of different units (eg kWh, L, DKK, kg or pcs).
The emission coefficients include all types of greenhouse gases and the calculated emissions will thus be in CO2 equivalents. The emission coefficients used in the Climate Compass are based on official national data sources (such as the Danish Energy Agency's Energy Statistics 2018) and internationally recognized models, which take into account all upstream emissions (such as models EXIOBASE). In some places it is possible to specify own emission factors in addition to the otherwise used emission factors.
The introduction to climate calculations provides a brief guide to the concept of climate calculations. It is possible to access this guide via a tab in the spreadsheet. Furthermore, it is possible to make an extract in pdf format.
Instructions for entering in the calculator is an extended instructions, which can be downloaded in pdf format. The extended guide provides a more detailed review of how the CO2 calculator is use
Log over opdateringer til CO2-beregneren
The log contains information about updates and corrections made in the CO2 calculator. It contains data for the CO2 calculators for all years, as well as the version where it is possible to include emissions made outside Denmark.