With Carbonkiller we mainly want to build pressure to make the emissions trading system (EU ETS) stricter. Before and behind the scenes, we are committed to more ambitious policies that work better for people and the climate. In addition, it would be fantastic if Europeans started buying up and destroying allowances en masse, in order to eliminate the large surplus of emission allowances. Hence our slogan “Buy out the Bubble!”

The Emissions Trading System is a European market in which a number of CO2-intensive sectors must purchase emission allowances for their production processes. The higher the price, the more interesting it becomes to become more sustainable. But there are far too many rights in circulation to really combat climate change. That is why Carbonkiller is the only one in the Netherlands to offer private individuals and SMEs the opportunity to purchase and destroy rights.

If you buy CO2 rights, you reduce the emission space for large polluting companies. Moreover, European governments will have to spend the income from the sale of rights on measures to combat climate change.

This is what we want to achieve:

  • The number of CO2 rights issued annually is decreasing,

  • The price of CO2 rights is rising,

  • Issuing free CO2 rights to polluting industries will stop,

  • Governments will spend all revenues from CO2 trading on real climate action.

By purchasing emission rights through Carbonkiller, we can send an important political signal: CO2 emissions must be paid a fair price. This way we can increase the pressure to improve the emissions trading system.